Sunday, September 25, 2016

My Dogs Are Enabling Me!

I try to eat healthy. I really, really do. BUT- deep inside me is the strong compulsion to be a super fatty and eat anything fried or choc full of sugar. While living alone is helpful because it spares me the temptation of the unhealthy foods another person might choose to keep around- I swear these dogs have a master plan to keep me plus sized forever. This morning I had two clients cancel on me, so suddenly I have free time. I have also been contemplating starting a juicing cleanse. Okay, truthfully I was going to start one today but everyone knows cleanses should always be started on a Monday. Which is tomorrow. Plus there is food in the house that will either have to be eaten or pitched before I can successfully cleanse because as I am sure you know, the success of a cleanse depends on the banishment of any and all tempting food hiding in your kitchen. Which means I have a strawberry single serving cake mix that needs to go as well as an open carton of potato leek soup I need to finish off. So with this in mind I stirred up the cake mix and popped it in the oven and then I ran to the store for soup crackers to enjoy with my soup. After all, this is my last meal before two weeks of eating rehab via a juice only lifestyle. I search for a bra so no retail clerks would be scarred by my breasts roaming free, blow a kiss to the pups and then hop in my car. Travis, my big boy, seventy pounds of golden, furry beauty stops me dead in my tracks with a single look. His eyes say it all. Breakfast. From. McDonalds. I turn away quickly and try to avoid his penetrating gaze. But his eyes haunt me as I pick out the crackers for my soup. My maternal guilt kicks in so I pick up some chicken dental chews for the babies. I am checking out and headed home when my car suddenly goes into autopilot and is careening madly towards one of two McDonalds drive through lanes. Is there a remote control being operated by a canine craving sausage? I think there is! I order pancakes for me and sausage biscuits for my three furry children. Damn it! Healthy intentions foiled again. But tomorrow the kitchen will be empty except for produce so if I don't leave the house I should be fine. For now, I am going to watch three happy dogs gulp down a delicious sausage biscuit while I lick syrup off my fingers and google codependency with your dog. Sigh...

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